It was 2019, and I abandoned my original plan. Instead of becoming a lecturer in language philosophy, I pivoted. Driven by a passion for technology and entrepreneurial ambition, I furthered my education in product development, systems engineering, WordPress, and so on.

Fast forward to the summer of 2021. I mustered the courage, quit my student job at a transshipment base, became a freelancer, and began designing websites and offering IT support.

Yet, my deep passion for beautiful literature persisted. As a result, I planned to add a weekly blog post about my reading experiences or intriguing everyday adventures.

Perhaps you know the feeling? You draft a plan, it sounds sensible, well thought out, but then you realize it’s too complex or its execution overwhelms you. At any rate, I underestimated the effort required for such a weekly blog post.

Then, a relieving idea struck me: Why not write a review at the end of each workweek, as a blog post of any length and a short version in the form of a reel? Working in IT and reflecting weekly on my journey – that will work. It wonderfully aligns, and these two aspects even benefit from each other.

But above all: This isn’t an IT review! Join me on my exciting journey towards building a good life based on the principles of MJ De Marco.