It was my first Reel with voiceover, and for the first time, I offered a relatively deep insight into my life in this format. Therefore, I was especially eager to see your reactions and the number of views, which is why I watched it myself multiple times. This felt like a change in perspective. As soon as the Reel was online, I viewed it differently and, above all, more closely.

In any case, I made a mistake. But this time, I won’t delete it. Like in software development, I have decided to proceed incrementally, iteratively, and empirically. The motto is: “Against paralyzing perfectionism” and “Pro Show your Work,” despite or precisely because of all the mistakes.

So, I walk in the twilight to exciting music, somewhat unsteady on a narrow wall, towards an upscale residential building, roughly summarizing my development over the last few years as well as a significant realization. Hopefully, this is entertaining and generally acceptable.

However, the attentive listener must have noticed a contradiction. First, I complain about all the work a blog requires, and then I state that I plan to write a weekly review as a blog.

Only: a blog about my reading of, for example, “12 Rules for Life” requires considerably more work. I’ve been conducting a review for myself for a long time anyway because it’s a good writing exercise and helps in organizing thoughts, etc.

And did anyone wonder how to fit such a review into 90 seconds? These Reels are essentially teasers for the more extensive blog posts. They only show the highlights and are intended to pique interest for more.