Recap Week 40 (2023)

Reflection on personal challenges and experiences in creating a blog and reels, including decisions about career and online presence.

October 8, 2023

Postscript on: Recap Week 38 (2023)

Narration of the author’s experience with his first voiceover reel, offering insights into his life, and reflection on handling mistakes and planning regular reviews as part of his blog.

September 30, 2023

Recap Week 38 (2023)

Description of a transition from an academic career to self-employment in IT, supplemented by literary interests and personal reflections.

September 23, 2023

Analyzing JP’s ’12 Rules for Life’ – 3 (Preface, Paragraph 1)

Reflection on life’s challenges and the value of simplified life rules, discussion on Jordan Peterson’s 12RFL and the significance of guidance in various aspects of life.

September 17, 2023

Analyzing JP’s ’12 Rules for Life’ – 2 (Introduction: Reasons for my JP Posts)

Explanation of the methodology and value of a detailed, analytical blog series on Jordan Peterson’s 12RFL, making complex content accessible through visualization and methodical processing.

September 8, 2023

Analyzing JP’s ’12 Rules for Life’ – 1 (Introduction: My Reasons for Reading)

Description of admiration for Jordan Peterson’s argumentative skills, interdisciplinary knowledge and ability to make complex topics accessible.

August 30, 2023

The Fracture, Jack, the Tank, Mother

A complex narrative exploring themes of fear, family dynamics, existential questions, and the struggle with inner turmoil and external realities.

August 23, 2023

Reaction to my YouTube playlist on the topic “Meta-competencies”: Part 1 (Preamble, Introduction, List)

An individual reflects on personal and professional experiences, from morning routines to engagements with meta-skills and puzzles.

August 11, 2023

Personal or professional website?

Portrayal of as a personal and professional intersection with structured navigation.

December 22, 2022