Hidden Storage: Hide Your Data in a Secret USB Vault with VeraCrypt

When traveling to dangerous areas, it’s advisable to carry a so-called decoy wallet or throwaway wallet. This contains some cash and expired credit cards to satisfy thieves and distract them from the valuable wallet. Similarly, it is safest to make valuable digital data invisible. With the free open-source program VeraCrypt, I create a secret vault on a USB stick: a hidden container within an outer container. This inner, secret container is encrypted with a cascade of AES, Serpent, and Twofish, and is suitable for storing passwords and copies of important documents.

August 1, 2024

WordPress: Secret access, 2FA, user roles, backup…

Increase WordPress security by hiding backend access, 2FA, user management and regular backups.

July 25, 2024

WordPress: Plugin Error and Inaccessible Backend

What to do when a plugin blocks access to both the WordPress backend and frontend?

July 19, 2024

WordPress: Increase Security with WPS Hide Login

Hide and secure access to the WordPress backend using the WPS Hide Login plugin.

July 18, 2024